The OPTIONS member in the CNM4BPRM library is used to set the configuration options for all internal subtasks and online user sessions. One of the options is zIIPEnable which is used to control whether or not eligible workload is to be scheduled for dispatching on a zIIP processor. The CICSOPTS member in the CNM4BPRM library is used to set the configuration options for the SYSVIEW for CICS monitor. This member also contains an option called ZIIP-ENABLE to control whether CICS monitoring-related workload within a CICS region is eligible to run on a zIIP processor. How can I check the value of these zIIP parameters without browsing the parmlib members?
Release: ALL
Component: SYSVIEW
The value of the zIIPEnable option from OPTIONS can be seen using the command: STATUS in SYSVIEW. In the first section displayed: "Product" check the following:
The value of the ZIIP-ENABLE option from CICSOPTS can be seen using the command: CCONFIG in SYSVIEW.
Jobname Option Value