SQL Include error when upgrading DB2 from v10 to v11
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SQL Include error when upgrading DB2 from v10 to v11


Article ID: 42114


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Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL


Upgraded Easytrieve to 11.6 and Db2 to v11, the following error is occurring: 

  SQL INCLUDE FROM table_name 

EZTC0441E >>> $ no rows found in the catalog for the given object 




Easytrieve Report Generator, release 11.6
Pan/SQL 2.4C (0203)
Db2 v11


Pan/SQL PTF RO78062 resolves this problem. 

PROBLEM  DESCRIPTION:  ADD  SUPPORT  FOR DB2 BIGINT DATA TYPE Applying  this PTF to  PanSQL is part of the  maintenance  required  to  enable   Easytrieve programs to process DB2 columns of the type BIGINT. 

In  addition to this PanSQL PTF, Easytrieve PTFs referencing BIGINT and 8-Byte-Binary are also required. 11.6  ADD SUPPORT FOR SQL BIGINT TYPE  RO73211              
              11.6  ADD SUPPORT FOR SQL BIGINT TYPE  RO73212                                        


Prior  to  these  PTF's, PanSQL did not recognize DB2 BIGINT columns.     


Even though this was the same INCLUDE for DB2v11 that was being used for DB2v10, it depends how the INCLUDE was created. 

1. Was it created by the IBM utility DDL(Data Definition Language), or 

2. Was it just copied over to the DB2v11 catalog, from the DB2v10 Catalog.                   


The IBM utility DDL(Data Definition Language), created a DB2 BIGINT DATA TYPE, that Easytrieve

could not handle unless PTF RO78962 was applied.