Which VM:Manager component service machines need to be restarted after a time zone change ?
We recommend the following products are restarted:
VM:Archiver - Recycle VMARCH
VM:Backup - Recycle VMBACKUP
VMB HiDRO - Recycle HiDRO when it is convenient but the customer should know that human displayed time information will be wrong until the product is recycled.
VM:Spool - Recycle VMSPOOL
VM:Tape - Recycle VMTAPE
The following products do not require a restart:
VM:Schedule Release 2.0 with RO75067 applied - recycle not required as RO75067 restores the ability to operate over the clock
change without restarting the server, as previous releases did.
VM:Batch – Shift reconfiguration is done on a time zone change so a recycle is not required.
VM:Account – Time zone change causes VM:Account’s shift change process to run. This process gets new date time information and re-establishes the next shift.
VM:Sort – doesn’t have or need time zone support since it runs in a user’s machine and is not a service machine product. VM:Sort is a utility like any other sort package.
VM:Secure and VM:Director – The product cuts audit record 1060 that marks the event and does other internal processing for the time zone change, so recycle is not required.
VM:Operator - VM:Operator closes the syslog file, so recycle is not required.