How do I install the FAILSAFE USERMOD in z/OS 2.2 for CA-1 Release 14.0?
The FAILSAFE USERMOD can be found in the *.CTAPJCL(CTSJUSAF) library of CA-1 Release 14.0. For z/OS 2.2 the installation of the CTSJUSAF in the z/OS SMP zone can be replaced by simply adding the following statement to one of your active PROGxx members of SYS1.PARMLIB:
The original CTSJUSAF usermod may still be installed as a usermod on your z/OS SMP zone; but this method (available only on z/OS 2.2 systems) is easier to implement and just as effective. Also, if the FAILSAFE usermod gets control (because the CA 1 intercepts are disabled or are removed) and a response of "C" or "CANCEL" is given to the outstanding WTOR, a system abend (S413 most likely) will occur instead of a S222 abend. And lastly, if you are currently installing the FAILSAFE usermod via an MLPA entry it needs to be removed prior to upgrading to z/OS 2.2. Previous versions of IFG019RB are NOT compatible with z/OS 2.2 and should not be MLPA'ed into the environment.
After Rel 14.0 PTF LU01354 the
PROGxx members of SYS1.PARMLIB must be:
in order for the CA1 utility TMSCKLVL and the TMS STATUS command to report on whether the FAILSAFE intercept is active or not.