Missing CPU Time for Stored Procedures within Detector.
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Missing CPU Time for Stored Procedures within Detector.


Article ID: 41800


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Detector for DB2 for z/OS


Within Detector for Db2 for z/OS (PDT) plan-Detector Planname Summary Display to the programs-Detector Plan Program Display,
aggregating INDB2_TIME adds up while the roll-up of INDB2_CPU is missing the CPU time for Stored Procedures.


Concerning the INDB2_TIME of the Proc not being added to the Plan level, please see below for detailed explanation:

For Stored Procedures and UDFs and Triggers, the INB2_TIME is not aggregated with INDB2_TIME of the Packages
executed under the Plan. However, the INDB2_CPU of  the stored PROC/UDF is aggregated with INDB2_CPU of
the package since it reports the total CPU usage under that PLAN. 

INDB2_TIME is the wall clock elapsed time, which means, the INDB2_TIME is calculated for each component from
the start to the end and those processes are running concurrently. 


Field: INDB2_TIME 

Description: The total or average amount of elapsed time spent executing within DB2 for the thread, unit of work, plan,
program, SQL activity, SQL call(s), application, or user.  So the INDB2_TIME for a PLAN is the aggregate of
INDB2_TIME of all the Packages under that Plan.