How to populate ObjectClass=person attribute for users when created from CA Identity Manager to CA Directory(Userstore)?
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How to populate ObjectClass=person attribute for users when created from CA Identity Manager to CA Directory(Userstore)?


Article ID: 41795


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How to populate ObjectClass=person attribute for users when created from CA Identity Manager to CA Directory (Userstore)?


Component: IDMGR


Add the setting add-oc-parents in the servers (dxi) file of the user store DSA. To do this follow the below steps.


  1. Go to <CA DIRECTORY INSTALL FOLDER>\Directory\dxserver\config\servers.
  2. Open <USER-DIRECTORY>.dxi file in an editor.
  3. Add the following line at the bottom of the file.

                                set add-oc-parents = true;

  1. Restart the user directory DSA.

                                >> dxserver stop <USER-DIRECTORY>

                                >> dxserver start <USER-DIRECTORY>

Additional Information

<CA DIRECTORY INSTALL FOLDER> : The root folder where CA Directory is Installed.

<USER-DIRECTORY> :  Name of the user directory.


>> : Text followed by these should be executed in the command prompt.