How does Spectrum handle trap mappings when there are shared IP addresses or multiple models with the same IP Address?
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How does Spectrum handle trap mappings when there are shared IP addresses or multiple models with the same IP Address?


Article ID: 41788


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How does Spectrum handle trap mappings when there are shared IP addresses or multiple models with the same IP Address?


Release: Any version of Spectrum


Out of the box, if Spectrum receives a trap where the ip address in the trap is shared between multiple models in the same Spectrum database, Spectrum will process the trap on all models.

However, you can tell Spectrum to exclude an ip address for trap process on a specific model by doing the following:

  • Log into OneClick
  • Find and select the model
  • Click on the Information tab
  • Find and expand the IP Redundancy subview
  • Set the "Use Redundancy Preferred Address List For Trap Processing" to Yes
  • Click on the "Configure Preferred and Excluded Addresses" button
  • Move the ip address you do not want to use for trap processing for this model to the "Redundancy Excluded Address" section and click OK.
  • Set the "Use redundancy Preferred Address List For Trap Processing" to Yes