How to Push Out Alarm Filters for User Groups in CA Spectrum
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How to Push Out Alarm Filters for User Groups in CA Spectrum


Article ID: 41769


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How to Push Out Alarm Filters for User Groups in CA Spectrum


Release: All Supported Releases


There are a couple of ways to do this.

1. You can setup the filter for your own user model in Spectrum, and then use the View menu – Preferences to export the alarm filter to a User Group or individual User in Spectrum. For example I have created a “Critical-Only” alarm filter using my user in OneClick.

a)      Launch the “Set Preferences” dialog window by selecting View – Preferences. Expand the Alarm Tab folder on the left. Select the Alarm Filter option.


b)      Click the Export button at the bottom right hand corner of the window to open the Export Preferences dialog window. Select the file you want to export by placing a check in the box next to the filter name and select OK.


c)      The Select User/Group dialog window will open. Select the User Group, or User model you wish to push the filter out to and click OK.


d)      Click OK to close out of the Set Preferences dialog window. The User/Group will be able to see the filter the next time they log into OneClick.


2. The other option you have is to go the Users Tab in OneClick and select the User Group you want to create the filter for.


a)      Right Click on the Group and select the Set Preferences option.


b)      This will launch the Set Preferences dialog window for the Group. Expand the Alarm Tab folder and Select the Alarm Filter option.


c)      Click the Set Alarm Filter button to launch the Alarm Filter dialog window. Configure the filter as needed and click the Add button to provide the filter a name. Click Ok to save the filter.


d)      Click Ok to close out of the Set Preferences dialog window.


Have a user log into OneClick and verify they can see the new filter.