Enable SAP Java Connect Option debugging with the SAP plug-in.
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Enable SAP Java Connect Option debugging with the SAP plug-in.


Article ID: 41758


Updated On:


Workload Automation Agent CA Workload Automation AE - System Agent (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation DE - System Agent (dSeries) CA Workload Automation DE - Business Agents (dSeries)


This doc explains how to enable the debugging in context of the JCO being used by the System Agent and the SAP plug-in.


Release: All Supported Versions
Component: SAPAGT



Set the following in the System Agent's agentparm.txt file.  Restart the agent after the change.


jco.trace_path=/tmp or <Path of your choice>


jco.trace_path=C:\temp or <Path of your choice>

The path directory can be set it anywhere that is convenient for user


Trace Levels

Value -  Description

0 - No trace.

1 - Traces errors.

2 - Traces errors and warnings.

3 - Traces info messages, errors, and warnings.

4 - Traces execution path, info messages, errors, and warnings.

5 - Verbose trace of execution path, info messages, errors, and warnings.

6 - Verbose trace of execution path, limited data dumps, info messages, errors, and warnings.

7 - Full trace of execution path, data dumps with metadata, verbose info messages, errors, and warnings.

8 - Full trace of execution path, full data dumps with metadata, verbose info messages, errors, and warnings.

Using trace levels above 3 generates a great deal of data in the log file.  Be cautious when setting above 3.

Refer to SAP for specific details of the trace settings.