What does the Batch Extract Request utility DSEXBDE(L) do?
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What does the Batch Extract Request utility DSEXBDE(L) do?


Article ID: 41725


Updated On:


Dispatch Output Mgmt


 How does the Batch Request Utility job DSEXBDE(L) bring back reports for reprint or to be sent to Online viewing?





Release: DISPAX00200-11.7-Dispatch


When you run the DSEXBDE(L) utility (Batch Extract Request utility), you are creating EXTRACT requests for the reports in Archive that match the criteria that you selected. Basically, the utility is doing the same thing in batch that you are manually doing if you go to the main Dispatch menu, select option 'A' for Archive System, then select option '2' for Reprint Archived Reports and selecting a report from the VARMI011 screen. You are then taken to the VARMI200 screen where you will select the type of reprint that you want to perform. After you have selected the type of reprint ( Reprint all, Reprint by Recipient, Reprint to OLV, Rearchive, Rearchive(Original Date/Time) ) , an EXTRACT record is written to the Report Retrieval Queue. That queue is visible by selecting option 'A' for Archive System from the main menu and then selecting option '3' to view the Report Retrieval Queue.

Since the batch utility performs the same function as a manual reprint and is only building the reprint request, after running the DSEXBDE (L) utility, check the Report Retrieval Queue screen and you should see the EXTRACT requests that were created by the batch utility.

It is the EXTRACT subtask of CA Dispatch that actually processes these reprint requests and retrieves the report data from the archive tapes. So, after building the reprint requests, you will want to make sure that the EXTRACT subtask of CA Dispatch is active.

Additional Information

The documentation for the DSEXBDE(L) Batch Extract Request utility job is in the 11.7 Systems Programmer Guide.

For more information on an enhancement to the Batch Extract Request utility for only sending reports back into online viewing that are defined to go into online viewing, please take a look at:

Knowledge Article ID: 30403 - I want to use DSEXBDE, the batch Extract program, to put reports back into Online Viewing but not all my archived reports are supposed to go to online Viewing.