Executing Quick Copy for Db2 for z/OS (PQC) with SNAPSHOTACCESS YES keyword and receiving the following messages with EMC devices:
PQC0322E TGRCAT007E RC: 00000004 ERROR/INFO codes: 02380000 SMS reason Code: 00000000
PQC0323E TGRCAT007E Error allocating vcat.DSNDBC.dbname.tsname..I0001.A001
The 0238 error code indicates:
Space unavailable in task input output table (TIOT).
Application Programmer Action:
Reduce the total number of allocated DDs and devices. Deallocate data
sets that are not needed simultaneously.
Site enabled SMS DATACLASS parameter Space Constraint Relief to specify YES which enabled Dynamic Volume Count (DVC) of 30.
Modified SMS DATACLASS parameter Space Constraint Relief to specify NO which disabled Dynamic Volume Count.