This document shows how to whitelist IPs via the Risk Authentication Administration GUI.
Customer may choose to trust all transactions/requests from certain IP addresses or IP address ranges. Risk Authentication provides capability to configure a list of such IP addresses.
Risk Authentication Admin GUI that help configure the Risk Authentication service rules and policies. .
Step 1. Login is as a Global Administrator.
<Please see attached file for image>
Step 2. Search for Organizations by clicking on "Search" button below.
<Please see attached file for image>
Step 3. Double click on the organization for which you want to configure to Whitelist the IPs. For this discussion the organization is "NETAUTO" organization.
<Please see attached file for image>
Step 4. On the screen below click on the “Risk Authentication Configuration” tab.
<Please see attached file for image>
Step 5. Click on the “Manage List Data and Category Mapping” under “Rules Management”.
<Please see attached file for image>
Step 6. In the drop down for “Select List Type:” pick “Trusted IP Lists”.
<Please see attached file for image>
Step 7. You may either provide an IP address and subnet mask OR an IP address list with start “IP Address:” and “End IP Address:” with no subnet mask. Click on the “Add Range” to save the Whitelisted IP(s). The list of added IP addresses will be shown on the bottom of the screen.
<Please see attached file for image>
Step 8. Repeat step 7 above to add more IPs to the White list and the list of added IP addresses will be shown on the bottom of the screen.
Step 9. You need to migrate the changes to Production by clicking on “Migrate to Production” and on the ensuing screen select the rule set by highlighting the ruleset as shown below. Finally click on the “Migrate” button.
<Please see attached file for image>
Step 10. Confirm the migration to production.
<Please see attached file for image>
Step 11. Click on “Services and Server Configurations” tab and then “Administration Console”. On “Refresh Cache” screen check “Refresh Organization Configuration” and then click on “OK”.
<Please see attached file for image>
Additional Information:
Note that this procedure explained above can also be used for other List Data such as Negative Country Lists, Untrusted IP Lists etc.