When running a restructure, the following error occurs:
IEC141I 013-20,XXX0191A,EMPPXG1,RSTRSEG,SYS001,803A,USER13, 126
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a sequential data set using QSAM. BLKSIZE is not a multiple of LRECL, or LRECL is 0 with RECFM=FB or RECFM=FBS, or BLKSIZE is not at least four bytes greater than LRECL with RECFM=V.
Release: All supported releases.
This error occurs when the BLKSIZE of the spill file is not a multiple of 40.
The RESTRUCTURE documentation indicates the solution to this error:
"The size of the spill file should be a multiple of 40 with a maximum block size of 32,760."