What is the difference between CVKEY=8 and CVKEY=10 if AUTHREQ=YES for both?
Would both these generate secure versions of the SVC or would the fact that protect key 8 is specified cause the SVC to be generated differently?
Release: All supported releases.
The SVC option AUTHREQ=YES prevents all access to certain SVC functions for all callers, also for callers with the CVKEY. As these functions are needed at startup the startup routines have to be linked authorized.
MVS CSA storage is GETMAINed from subpool 231 with IDMS's primary protect key. The ESE, EREs, and pakets will be both fetch and store protected from ordinary batch jobs when IDMS runs with a protect key other than 8 or 9.
In addition, a CVKEY other than 8 or 9 will prevent batch or CICS users to call SVC functions that are reserved for the CV, such as SINON CV, SINOF CV, or ABEND SYSTEM.