Manual Uninstall of EEM
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Manual Uninstall of EEM


Article ID: 41403


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


  While running the uninstall of EEM, it complains about the applications being configured and does not let the EEM to uninstall to complete successful.

# /opt/CA/SharedComponents/EmbeddedEntitlementsManager/uninstall/eiamuninstall


CA Embedded Entitlements Manager                 (created with InstallAnywhere)


Preparing CONSOLE Mode Uninstallation...



Uninstall CA Embedded Entitlements Manager


About to uninstall...

CA Embedded Entitlements Manager

This will remove features installed by InstallAnywhere.  It will not remove

files and folders created after the installation.



Information : Registered Application Check


Applications [WCC0004, WorkloadAutomationAE] are in use. EEM uninstaller can

not continue until all applications are unregistered 



All supported EEM platforms


EEM would not let the uninstall proceed with applications still being registered. 


1) Login to EEM UI [Application: Global] as the EEM Administrator (EiamAdmin)

2) Click on Configure > Applications > Select the application names then click on Un-register.

Important!: Before you unregister the applications it is mandatory to take a backup as it would cause the permanent loss of security policies. Please follow the links provided under Additional Information to export the WAAE and WCC Security policies.

3) Then Try the uninstall, again using './eiamuninstall' and it should run the  uninstall to Complete.

Note: In case that does not go success; Please follow the below process to force uninstall EEM.

1)  Execute the binary "eiamuninstall" with the parameter  "-DFORCE_UNINSTALL=true" as shown below:

     # /opt/CA/SharedComponents/EmbeddedEntitlementsManager/uninstall/eiamuninstall -DFORCE_UNINSTALL=true

2) "PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE" >> This will lead to the successful completion of the EEM uninstallation

[Uninstall Complete].