When trying to login to Workload Control Center we encounter E150005: Login timed out.
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When trying to login to Workload Control Center we encounter E150005: Login timed out.


Article ID: 41394


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


When  we try to login to Workload Control Center we encounter the message:

E150005: Login timed out. The server is not responding, please try again later.  

We are also unable to access the EEM UI.  What should be looked at?




Release: ATSYHA99000-11.3.6-Workload Automation AE-High Availability Option


If the Embedded Entitlements Manager UI (EEM) is not available confirm if the igateway process is running.

EEM is comprised of igateway which is in the EEM interface and dxserver which is the policy manager and back-end database.


igateway can be restarted as root using the following command:

$IGW_LOC/S99igateway start


If the platform is Windows then start the CA iTechnology igateway service via Windows Service Manager.


If igateway fails to start review the following:



If the problem and solution are not clear then contact CA support and provide the following:




and a long listing of the $IGW_LOC directory.

 if UNIX: ls -al $IGW_LOC

 if Windows: dir %IGW_LOC%