When entering into OPSVIEW ISPF Menu 4.11.2 (SSM Status), the following error can happen:
System State Manager---------- ZZZZ -- O P S V I E W ---------- Subsystem OPSS
Option ===> 2
Date/Time: 2016/03/09 13:08
1 Control - Set/Display SSM parameters and resource tables
2 Status - Set/Display states of SSM controlled local resources
3 Snapshot - Create/Modify a local SSM started task resource table
4 Scheduler - Set/Display schedules for SSM controlled resources
5 Group Manager - Create/Manage groups of SSM resources
A Action Editor - Create and maintain SSM action tables
G Global Status - Set/Display states of SSM controlled global resources
G2 SSMGAV2 - Set/Display states of SSMGAV2 moveable resources
R Resource Edit - Create and maintain SSM resource tables
W WTOR Reply - Respond to outstanding SSMGA WTORs
Press END to return
Syntax error in keyword: WS
--- Value of Y is not valid:
AOF REXX WorkSpace is too low or invalid.
To correct this error take the following steps:
General Settings ---- ZZZZ --- O P S V I E W ----------------------------------
Command ===>
OPSCMD Max Lines ===> 1000 ( 1 to 5000 )
OPSCMD Wait Time ===> ( blank for default, or 1 to 60 )
OPSCMD Echo ===> N ( Y or N )
OPSCMD Subsystem ===> OPSP
Action Verification ===> Y ( Y or N )
AOF Test Action Ver ===> Y ( Y or N )
Max Test Globals ===> ( blank for default, or 1 to 999999 )
Max Test Temp GLVs ===> ( blank for default, or 1 to 99999 )
AOF Alloc Subsys ===> ( blank for default, or subsystem name )
AOF REXX WorkSpace ===> ( blank for default, or
40960 to 2000000000 )
SSM Monitor Display ===> E ( B/V/E )
SSM Verify mode ===> M ( A/M/N )
Clear OPSLOG profile ===> N ( Y or N )
Enter CANCEL to abort.
Enter END to confirm settings.
AOF REXX WorkSpace
This overrides the default size of the AOF REXX WorkSpace size (default is 1.5m). Setting of this value should only be done under the guidance of OPS/MVS technical support. This value also determines the work space size used by the AutoMate/MVS to OPS/MVS conversion and rule management utilities.