CA Harvest Software Change Manager - OpenMake Meister
When having trouble validating the LDAP settings for Harvest, which tools could help?
CA Harvest Software Change Manager
Some suggested ways would be:
Harvest command utility hauthtst. This command line utility tests the Authentication Server API independently of a CA Harvest SCM broker or RTserver. It is a stand-alone LDAP connectivity test program. "-ldapdebuglevel= -1" enables verbose information
The LDAPDiag freeware utility from the Broadcom Communities website may help with this issue. It can be used to validate changes to the LDAP settings in HServer.arg by automatically building the hauthtest command line. It can be found, understood, and downloaded from here: Useful utilities for Harvest administrators available on this forum. It is a tool useful during LDAP integration configuration.
Third-party GUI LDAP browsers, such as SysinternalsSuite Active Directory Explorer, could be used to verify your LDAP settings and that the user indeed exists in LDAP.