How to Analyze Rupay Reports and high level Rupay Transaction Flow.
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How to Analyze Rupay Reports and high level Rupay Transaction Flow.


Article ID: 41329


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How to Analyze the Rupay Transactions Report

This Article will help you to Analyze the Rupay Transactions, how to convert the report into correct csv format, and how to get the Transaction ID's in clear readable format in excel file for filtering and Analyzing the count of Successful transactions and failed transactions.


Login to the URL :


1) Click on the reports tab.2) Click on PAS Reports.3) Under Organization Name select BOMHORG or OBCORG.4) Select the From and To date and click on export.5) The report will get exported into Excel sheet.When you Open the Excel sheet, you can see the report, but the Unique field Transaction ID's which is used to Analyze the report will not be displayed in clear format.Hence rename the extension of the excel file from .csv to .txt and then open the renamed file in a Notepad.Now you can see the Transaction ID's in clear format, the full Transaction ID's can be viewed.But inorder to Analyze the report we need to convert the file into excel file.


Process to Convert the .txt file into .csv :


1) Open the .txt file in Notepad and copy all the contents and paste it in a new excel sheet.2) Now the Transaction ID's will be pasted in the clear format, but all the content will be in a single column.3) Select the first Column and click on "DATA" tab in excel file select "Text to columns" option.4) You will see the dialog box and leave the default option Delimited and click next.5) Click on delimiters Tab and other, in other print , as a delimiter, click next.6) Select Column data format as text for all the columns which has numbers (like Transaction ID column, Cardnumber column, Date/Time Column), so that the content will not be formatted and will be in clear form.7) Click Finish and save the file.


Overview of the single Transaction which will be helpful in Analyzing the report :


Each Transaction will have four stages, In the order as below : 1) Authentication Initiated2) Web Authentication Process Started3) Web Authentication Complete4) Authentication Result


The OTP flow in the Transaction will appear in last two stages.


Analyzing the Report :


Apply filters on all the Columns


The number of Transactions will be obtained by filtering for the first stage "Authentication Initiated" and check the status whether this stage is Successful or Failed.

The total number of Transactions which are Successful can be obtained filtering for the last stage "Authentication Result" and check the status whether this stage is Successful or Failed.

Please also note to remove the Duplicate values in Transaction ID column to get the Unique values, so that we can arrive at Actual count.


The High level Transaction flow for BOM is as below :


1) Authentication initiated - NPCI sends request to CA, we send back card ID as a response,

Post that- NPCI appends the card ID to the URL (our server) they have and loads the same inside an iframe,  


2) Web Authentication initiated – we get a hit on our servers as soon as NPCI tries to load the URL in iframe (above step),

OTP is generated and send to the selected channel at this point.We make a connection to FIS switch for OTP delivery in this step.

Customer receives delivered by FIS and enters the OTP for authentication  


3) Web authentication Complete – We receive the OTP as entered by the customer and verify the same, the result is sent to NPCI.  


4) Authentication Complete – final leg where some further details of the transaction is sent to NPCI.






Release: P3DSIS99000-7.5-Transaction Manager-SAAS