Datacom AD Current Release and documentation (04/15/2016)
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Datacom AD Current Release and documentation (04/15/2016)


Article ID: 41323


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Datacom DATACOM - AD



We are running Datacom AD r14 for CA7 and CA11 as  the database. I'm confused on what the current version of CA Datacom is. From the main logon screen to the support page, I go to the following:

Launch Classic Support   ->  Support by Product -> CA Datacom -> Documentation -> CA DATACOM CORE 15.0

Is CA Datacom AD now called CA DATACOM CORE? I never saw an announcement. Why is the manual 6,000 page PDF? When will the individual manuals be available for download? The manual calls it DB and not AD. Is the upgrade path from CA Datacom 14 AD to CA Datacom CORE 15? The new web screens are not very good.....



CA-Datacom/AD (Application Development) is the relational database management system that provides a relational storage repository for use by other Computer Associates products. The CA-Datacom/AD environment is a subset of the Advantage CA-Datacom/DB Database product line.

So, there are two different products:

- CA Datacom/DB: full DBMS product.

- CA Datacom/AD: subset of CA-atacom/DB.


CA-Datacom/AD is a package which includes several Datacom products:

*CA Datacom/DB(with Datadictionary).

*CA Datacom SQL.

*CA Dataquery for CA Datacom. 

*CA Datacom Server.

*CA IPC (CA Inter-Product Components)


The latest and current release for CA Datacom/AD is 14.0.

Documentation is available at:


The latest release of CA Datacom/DB is 15.0.

Documentation is available at:


If you use the latest documentation URL: 

It is available to customer but still being worked and subject to change.

Datacom CORE because there is Datacom TOOLS.

CORE includes the Database product documentation (Administration and Data Dictionary...)

TOOLS includes products for the Datacom product family (like Ideal, IPC, DBSRV...).


At this time (04/15/2016), CA Datacom/AD 15.0 is not available but in QA.

So, in short CA Datacom/AD is not called CA Datacom/AD CORE.

We have been told that the new web screens are still in the work.


Release: DATABB00200-14-Datacom/AD