The 'autoping -m agent_name' command to a specific agent fails with errors:
CAUAJM_W_10496 Agent on [agent_name] has not responded in a timely fashion. Try again later. [CA WAAE Autoping]
CAUAJM_E_50281 AutoPing from the Scheduler WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL.
Release: Workload Automation AE
The problem was caused by name resolution. WA Agent was not able to resolve WA Manager host name. The following errors were recorded in the WA Agent transmitter.log file:
00/08/20XX 00:00:12.345 SGT+0800 1 TCP/IP Controller Plugin.Transmitter pool thread <Slow:1>.CybTargetHandlerChannel.constructConversation[:1045] - Error connecting to ACE: cybermation.library.communications.CybConversationConnectException: Unknown host:
Ensure that WA Agent can successfully resolve Manager's host name. User may either add the Manager hostname to the hosts file on the WA Agent machine or update DNS so that the hostname can be resolved successfully.