Can the WebAdminURL attribute be modified in CA Spectrum?
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Can the WebAdminURL attribute be modified in CA Spectrum?


Article ID: 41317


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Can the WebAdminURL attribute be modified to use something other than the default "Network Address" attribute (0x12df7) with a completely different URL?


Release: Any version of Spectrum


Yes, but this requires the use of a custom "Web Launch" menu pick in order to point the WebAdminURL attribute to a different URL.

1. Copy the "$SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/console/config/custom-menu-config.xml" file to the "$SPECROOT/custom/console/config" directory.

2. Then add the below customization to "$SPECROOT/custom/console/config/custom-menu-config.xml" file, towards end of the file i.e. just before the end tag </root

<menu name="">

    <item name="My Web Administration">
      <accelerator modifiers="2">VK_W</accelerator>

3. Close existing OneClick client sessions and start new sessions.

4. Now you can see a new “My Web Launch” Menu pick in the Tools Menu and beside the existing button on top of the OC console.

5. Now you can edit the WebAdminURL attribute on anymodel, to http://localhost/spectrum or anything you would like.  For example:, etc.

6. Now deselect the model and re-select to refresh the button. And you should see the added link on the new button tool tip. 

7. Clicking on the new launch button will redirect to the respective link.