Error <<IEC141I 013-C0>> with USS files in an Endevor Processor
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Error <<IEC141I 013-C0>> with USS files in an Endevor Processor


Article ID: 41295


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The error << IEC141I 013-C0>> indicating that an open failure occurred for a z/OS Unix file, appears while trying to allocate a USS file in an Endevor processor step.



Component: CA Endevor Software Change Manager 


The USS file allocation problem in a processor is normally due to security. The processor (whether running under the Endevor alternate ID or the user’s ID) did not have the authority to access/create the file.

If the requirement is to use the user’s ID to allocate the USS files, code the keyword "ALTID=N" on the EXEC statement of the processor and make sure the user has the right authority.

Otherwise, to manage USS files with the Endevor alternate ID, enable ALTID USS security:

  1. The 'ENABLE_ALTID_USS_SECURITY=(ON,55)' parameter on the optional features table (ENCOPTBL) has to be activated (uncommented);
  2. To give the ALTID ‘write’ access to USS files, besides ‘read’ and ‘execute’, the value ‘55’ on this parameter should be changed accordingly (ex. 77 for rwx access);
  3. Make sure that the Endevor ALTID has an OMVS segment defined with the right authority.

The default option is to have the USS security OFF, in which case the USS file requests from processors will be done under the user's ID.  


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