Why CA OPS/MVS will not release storage from CSA/ECSA during main task termination?
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Why CA OPS/MVS will not release storage from CSA/ECSA during main task termination?


Article ID: 41281


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation



Why CA OPS/MVS will not release storage from CSA/ECSA during main task termination?


The following sample messages could bring some concerns to new and existing customers:

OPS0039E n process block(s) still in use                
OPS0018W storage not released - ECSA X'00004B6A' bytes  
OPS0017I OPS/MVS-JES2 subsystem OPSS termination complete

The OPS0039E message by itself does not indicate that storage related to the 'n' in-use process blocks was not freed. On the contrary the storage is freed unconditionally. The message is just a warning that there are still 'n' number of rules executing and we have given up waiting for them to complete.

In the other hand the approximately 16K+ of ECSA reported by message OPS0018W that were left behind is also normal. The first 16K contains permanent data needed across restarts of the product to allow the use some of the CA OPS/MVS command processors (OI, OPSCMD, OPSWTO, etc.) even when the main address space is down. The small additional piece of ECSA contains system control blocks allocated by OPSMAIN that can never be freed for the life of the last system IPL. The fact that the messages were issued prior OPSMAIN came down indicates that it has terminated normally.

Additional Information:

For more information please visit our most current online documentation at CA Technologies Documentation 


Release: PVLA2.00200-12.2-OPS/MVS-Event Management & Automation-for JES2