How to run a moot trace for CA Spectrum.
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How to run a moot trace for CA Spectrum.


Article ID: 41262


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


We want to collect the moot trace file In CA Spectrum to check for the spectrum performance issues.



Release: Any version of Spectrum


Use the following steps to run a moot trace on the SpectroSERVER process:

1. Log in to the SpectroSERVER system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation.

2. If Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"

3. Find the process id of the SpectroSERVER process

    a. On Linux, enter "ps -ef | grep SpectroSERVER" and note the process id

    b. On Windows, start the Task Manager, search for the SpectroSERVER process and note the process id

4. To start the moot trace, run the following command where <PID> is the process id of the SpectroSERVER process noted in step 3 above:

    a. On Linux, run "kill -USR1 <PID>"

    b. On Windows, cd to the $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM directory and enter "./kill.exe -USR1 <PID>"

5. The $SPECROOT/SS/VNM.OUT file will display the following:

     "Inference Handler Performance Monitoring has begun

6. Let the moot trace run for 15 - 30 minutes to collect a good sample of data.

7. To stop the moot trace, rerun the same exact kill command ran in step 4 above

8. The $SPECROOT/SS/VNM.OUT file will display the following:

    "Inference Handler Performance Monitoring has ended."

9. You will also see messages similar to the following in the $SPECROOT/SS/VNM.OUT file:

    "Writing file support/"

10. Upload the following file to your Spectrum support case for analysis:


      All $SPECROOT/SS/support/Incident* files