UIM - When I Double Click on a Probe I get unable to Reach Controller, Node:/Domain/Hub/Robot/Probe Error Message: Communication Error
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UIM - When I Double Click on a Probe I get unable to Reach Controller, Node:/Domain/Hub/Robot/Probe Error Message: Communication Error


Article ID: 4108


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) Unified Infrastructure Management for Mainframe CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


Unable to reach controller.

error message: communication error


Release: UIM 8.x, 9.x, 20.x or later
Component: Robot/probes


Using telnet utility on the host where IM is running, test connectivity to the controller port on the robot. For example:

telnet <robot ip> 48000

If the telnet succeeds:

Check the Messages section in IM for a timeout related to getting the probe configuration. If there is a timeout message, increase the Probe Request-> Timeout Value in IM Tools from the Options menu. Set the value to a slightly higher value, and retest the failing operation.  Repeat if necessary.

If the telnet fails:

Check to see if there is a firewall between the robot and the machine where IM is running and/or a firewall on the robot host.  Confirm that this firewall is allowing the required ports as noted in the documentation.

If there is any NAT'ing involved, meaning the registered robot IP is not reachable directly but only through a NAT'ed interface, add the following parameters to your robot.cfg file for the robot where you are unable to reach the probes.

robotip_alias = <NAT'ed IP through which Robot can be reached>
robotip = <Robot's Local IP address>

For example:

robotip = <robot ip> <= Local IP of the robot host
robotip_alias = <robot nat ip> <= NAT'ed IP of robot host

Additional Information

UIM Documentation on Firewall Port Reference