Getting old alarms when restarting the Spectrum AlarmNotifier process
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Getting old alarms when restarting the Spectrum AlarmNotifier process


Article ID: 41039


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


When restarting the AlarmNotifier application, AlarmNotifier is sending e-mail for existing alarms that have already been processed.

We are seeing duplicate tickets created from our service desk integration Service Now SNOW


Release: All Supported Releases

Component: SPCAPP - Spectrum Applications


The cause is the GET_EXISTING_ALARMS set to true in the $SPECROOT/Notifier/.alarmrc file (default) or in the .alarmrc file used in your configuration.


Set GET_EXISTING_ALARMS=False in the $SPECROOT/Notifier/.alarmrc and then restart the AlarmNotifier process. 

Additional Information

Keep in mind that if you leave GET_EXISTING_ALARMS=true and you have a Service Desk ticketing system in place, you will receive duplicate tickets for those alarms.

Also, if you have an operating system issue which causes Notifier to hang, when you restart Notifier (or reboot) alarms generated during the hang will not be sent through.  If you have a ticketing system integrated, you will need to manually create the tickets for the alarms that were generated during the hang.