Is there a way to configure devices that are not responding for some period of time to be removed from Spectrum automatically?
How can you remove non-responsive devices automatically from the Spectrum database
All supported releases of DX NetOps Spectrum
Spectrum can be reconfigured to automatically delete devices based on the time they were in the Contact Lost state. You can perform this action through the "Contact lost Model Destruction" and "Destruction delay(sec)" settings which can be found on the VNM Model, located in the Universe View.
Note: The default value for Contact Lost Model Destruction is DISABLED. When Contact Lost Model Destruction is changed to enabled, the default value of Destruction Delay (sec) is set to 604800 seconds, which is equivalent to 7 days.
Take note that this setting only applies to models that lost connectivity after you change the setting. For example, if you have 5 devices that have been down for 30 days and you set the model destruction for 20 days, those models will not be destroyed. You will need to destroy them manually. Any new models that are then down for 20 days after you make the change will be automatically destroyed by Spectrum.