Troubleshooting Spool Java Transformers for AFP to PDF files for Web Viewer 12.1
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Troubleshooting Spool Java Transformers for AFP to PDF files for Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 40997


Updated On: 03-03-2025


Output Management Web Viewer


The DRAS and Spool Java Transformer for AFP files setup is not working with OM Web Viewer 12.1


  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
  • DRAS 14.0
  • Spool™ 14.0
  • View®
  • Output Management View® for z/OS


  1. Collect the following documentation and create a new support case after login at Broadcom Support My dashboard
  • DRAS STC job output
  • Spool™ STC job output
  • CAIQD2E Java Transformer STC job output if any
  • Spool™ CAIQPARM/ESFPARM parameter deck
  •  DRAS STDENV parameter deck
  • CAIQD2E STDENV parameter deck

     2.  Enable tracing

          Configure the Spool Java Transformer Environment Variables from the supplied DRAS CBY3OPTN member CAHAX2YP in CAI.CBY3OPTN.


This will cause messages to be written to the JESMSGLG of the DRAS task. This will require the DRAS task be recycled. Reverse these changes after testing is completed to avoid excess logging.

  1. From OM Web Viewer, select and save the report.  Assuming the report is not 0-bytes, send it to us.
  2. Review the DRAS task for the time frame corresponding to the save action.  Search the JESJOBLG for the name of the report that was saved. 
  3. There will be multiple occurrences, look for the one for the transform.  What are the messages?

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