Determining online viewing report and msgclass retention values
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Determining online viewing report and msgclass retention values


Article ID: 40956


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Dispatch Output Mgmt


Is there a way to list the online viewing retention values defined in the Dispatch database for both REPORTS and MSGCLASS? 


Yes, you can submit the CULPRIT report writer utility job called DSEXCULP with the 'MEMBER=' symbolic set up as MEMBER=DSCULP19. This will produce the "Online Viewing REPORT & MSGCLASS Listing" which shows you all of the reports and msgclass data that is currently in online viewing. Among the fields being shown on this report are the retention GENERATIONS and retention DAYS values defined in the Dispatch database.

Interpreting the retention values being shown on the DSCULP19 output:

- Specific REPORT online viewing retention values are defined on that reports VRDMU110 - Report Base Definition screen.
- Specific MSGCLASS retention values are defined on the VOVMU210 - MSGCLASS Retention Definition screen.
- If the GENS and DAYS fields show as BLANK on the DSCULP19 output, this means that there is no specific retention record defined for these particular entries. Therefore, the actual retention values that will be applied will be the independently defined  REPORT and MSGCLASS system DEFAULT values on the CA Dispatch VSGMU190 SYSGEN screen (option 9.9 from the main menu).

Additional Information

There are a variety of different CULPRIT reports that can be produced by running the DSEXCULP utility job. For more information on the reports that are available and a sample of what each report looks like, please refer to "Appendix C: Printing Database Information Using CA Culprit" located in the CA Dispatch Reference Guide.