A transfer scheduled through XCOMJOB can be delayed by the server due to an ENQUEUE conflict with the scheduling job, when the dataset is being used again after the scheduling step in the scheduling job.
When there’s an XCOMJOB TYPE=INQUIRE step between the scheduling step and the step that references the dataset, you’ll get a lockout between this job and the XCOM server. The scheduling job will ‘hang’ until the INQWAIT time of the INQUIRE step is reached.
Release: XCOM for z/OS 12.1
This behavior has nothing to do with XCOM logic, nor can it be influenced by XCOM. This z/OS logic, because the dataset is being created and referenced by different steps in the same job and so the EXCL ENQUEUE is held until the end of the last step referencing it.
To avoid such a situation you can do one of the following: