The user initiates an IDP-initiated transaction where the user keeps on looping between the redirect.jsp and the authentication URL and the authentication scheme. This can be verified by taking a fiddler trace.
User posts credentials to
The user is redirected to redirect.jsp as expected:
From that page, the user should get access to the requested resource. Instead, the user again gets redirected to the authentication scheme URL.
Any Partnership model.
From the logs, the user is not authorized to access the redirect.jsp file:
This is happening is because the user is "not authorized by the policy server":
From the Web Agent traces:
[/affwebservices/redirectjsp/redirect.jsp?SPID=][xxx][User 'CN=xxxxxx,OU=xxxx.....,DC=example,DC=com' is not authorized by Policy Server.]
From the Policy Server traces:
[** Status: Not Authorized. ][][][][][][][][][][][]
[yz .. fz0mAJXF][][][CN=xxxxxx,OU=xxxx.....,DC=example,DC=com][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
Effective Resource: iisagent/siteminderagent/redirectjsp/*