List of iGateway Error codes after failed installation of iGateway
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List of iGateway Error codes after failed installation of iGateway


Article ID: 40885


Updated On:




This document provides a list of the most common error codes that can be received after a failed installation of iGateway. 


These error codes are a great reference to start your investigation, as to what caused this failure.
Return Code ACME Error Message  
-1 No Messages  
0 Success  
1 Invalid Application ID  
2 Invalid License Key  
3 License Expired  
4 Invalid Unit ID  
18 License Not Activated  
19 License Already Activated  
20 App not Allowed to Insert  
21 App not Allowed to Update  
22 App not Allowed to Delete  
23 File Does Not Exist  
30 Rejected - Too Busy  
31 Rejected - Timed Out Waiting  
32 Rejected - Rogue Client  
999 Unspecified Error  
Return Code  iGateway (iClient / iSponsor) Error Message  
401 range are http client errors  
500 range are http server errors  
700 range specific for our isponsors  
800 range specific for object manipulation  
820 range specific for searches  
840 range is errors to sponsored backend server  
860 range is password change errors  
400 ISE_BADREQUEST - badly formatted request  
401 ISE_NEEDCREDENTIALS - need authentication credentials
403 ISE_FORBIDDEN - have authentication credentials, but not authorized
404 ISE_NOTFOUND - bad method  
408 ISE_REQUESTTIMEOUT - request took too long  
409 ISE_CONFLICT - resource conflict  
414 ISE_REQUESTTOOBIG - request uri too long  
500 ISE_SERVERERROR - internal server error  
501  ISE_NOTIMPLEMENTED - beyond server capabilities
502  ISE_SERVICEUNAVAILABLE - unavailable, but try later
503  ISE_OLDCLIENTVERSION - version of iclient unsupported (should NEVER have to use)
504  ISE_REFER - try another server  
701 ISE_MEMORY - unable to allocate memory  
702 ISE_BADFILTER - bad/wrong filters supplied  
703 ISE_TRYAGAIN - non-blocking response to try again later
704 ISE_SESSIONTIMEOUT - session timed out  
705  ISE_FATALERROR - sponsor fatal error - serious trouble now
706  ISE_EXCEPTION - sponsor unhandled exception  
801  ISE_NOSUCHOBJECT - no such object exists  
802  ISE_OBJECTEXISTS - object already exists  
803  ISE_BADOBJECT - bad object data  
804 ISE_NOSUCHATTRIBUTE - object doesn't have attribute
805  ISE_ATTRIBUTEEXISTS - attribute exists  
806  ISE_BADOBJECTPATH - object path is bad  
807  ISE_BADOBJECTNAME - object name is bad  
808  ISE_BADOBJECTCLASS - bad object class  
809  ISE_NOOBJECTACCESS - no access to object  
810 ISE_BADOBJECTOPERATION - bad object operation
811 ISE_OBJECTALREADY - object type/value already set
812 ISE_UPDATEOBJECT - update to latest object version first
821  ISE_REFINESEARCH - search would return too much data: refine
822  ISE_BADSEARCH - search filters bad  
841  ISE_BACKENDERROR - sponsored back-end server error
842  ISE_BACKENDPROTOCOLERROR - sponsored back-end protocol error
843  ISE_BACKENDAUTHERROR - auth error on sponsored back-end
844  ISE_BACKENDREFERRAL - backend referring to other service
845  ISE_BACKENDRECONNECT - need to reconnect to backend
846  ISE_BACKENDDOWN - backend is down  
860  ISE_PW_TOOSHORT - password too short  
861  ISE_PW_TOOLONG - password too long  
862  ISE_PW_BADMIX - password is bad mix of alpha/numeric
863  ISE_PW_MATCHESID - password matches accountname
864  ISE_PW_TOOSOON - password change too soon  
865  ISE_PW_REUSED - password is reused  
866  ISE_PW_USERLOCKED - user account is locked  
867  ISE_PW_REPETITION - password has too many repeating chars
868  ISE_PW_EXPIRED - password has expired  
999 ISE_ERROR_UNKNOWN - should never use this…  
Standard error codes  
0 ISP_ERROR_NONE: normal execution  
-1 ISP_ERROR_UNKNOWN: an unknown error  
-2 ISP_ERROR_BADHOST: iGateway could not be resolved.
-3 ISP_ERROR_NOGATEWAY: iGateway is unreachable.
-4 ISP_ERROR_NOISPONSOR: iGateway could not locate the specified iSponsor.
-5 ISP_ERROR_BADISPONSOR: The specified iSponsor could not be loaded.
-6 ISP_ERROR_NETERROR: A network error occured.  
-7 ISP_ERROR_AUTHENTICATIONERROR:  When a request failed to authenticate.