Upgraded to Sysview 14.1 and now CA SymDump for CICS r 9.1 is not capturing the transaction dumps. The user receives messages that the transaction dump was suppressed. IBM message: DFHDU0206I 03/31/2016 12:05:08 DVLECICS A transaction dump for dumpcode: JLBW was suppressed by the XDUREQ USER EXIT. I stopped and restarted CA SymDump for CICS. It initialized correctly but still no dumps are captured.
It turns out CA Sysview was not suppressing the transaction dump and preventing it from being captured.
Abend Aid from compuware was the cause of the problem. Abend aid was getting control first at the CICS dump request exit XDUREQ. The Abend aid global user exit CTCCKEXT was started first and captured the dump. But after dump capture Abend aid was not passing the dump forward to the next global user exit program. CA Symdump CICS received control at the global user exit XDUREQ program IN67EXIT and there was no dump to capture.
The CA SymDump for CICS IGLU transaction can be used to display the CICS global user exits.
To resolve the problem CA SymDump for CICS first at the global user exit XDUREQ followed by Abend aid. CA SymDump for CICS was also configured to produce a CICS dump after it captures the dump to the PROTDMP file. We used the SYMI transaction in CICS to set the CA SymDump CICS parameter not to suppress the CICS transaction dump as follows. Suppress transaction dumps: N
With this configuration CA Symdump CICS received control first at the dump request exit and captured the dump. Then Abend Aid which was second at the dump request exit received control and captured the dump. Then Abend aid suppressed the dump. So a dump was not written to the CICS dump datasets. In summary you need to start CA SymDump for CICS first and PLTPI time then Abend Aid.