Logging into CA Asset Portfolio Management errors with: You have entered an invalid user name and password combination
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Logging into CA Asset Portfolio Management errors with: You have entered an invalid user name and password combination


Article ID: 4065


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CA IT Asset Manager ASSET PORTFOLIO MGMT- SERVER CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management


We are unable to login to CA Asset Portfolio Management (APM), using the uapmadmin user.  

The error message is: You have entered an invalid user name and password combination.

We recently re-pointed APM to use a new Embedded Entitlements Manager server. 


CA Asset Portfolio Management 12.x releases


The uapmadmin user is not registered with the new Embedded Entitlements Manager installation. 


At installation, APM creates entries to authenticate the EEM server, along with the uapmadmin and eiamadmin user. This information is encrypted and stored in the mdb. If the EEM server has changed, then it is necessary to re-run the authentication process using the new EEM server.

Follow the steps below to create the authentication record in the mdb.

  1. Navigate to the following directory: 

    [ITAM Root Path]\InstallConfig\AlleghenyInstallFiles\EEMSetup\EEMCertUtilities 

  2. Verify that the file CA.Common.Data.dll.config exists in this folder.

  3. If the file does not exist in the folder, copy it from any subdirectory of [ITAM Root Path] (for example, C:\Program Files\CA\ITAM\Data Importer) to [ITAM Root Path]\InstallConfig\AlleghenyInstallFiles\EEMSetup\EEMCertUtilities.

  4. Verify that it points to the correct mdb and that the user ids and passwords are correct

  5. Open a command prompt window.

    Use the following command to change from the current directory to the EEM Cert Utilities directory:

    CD "[Install Path]\InstallConfig\AlleghenyInstallFiles\EEMSetup\EEMCertUtilities\" 

  6. Run the following command:

    EEMCertUtilities.exe [EEM Host] APM EiamAdmin [EiamAdmin Password] [uapmadmin Password]

    where [EEM Host] is the new EEM server name, [EiamAdmin Password] is the EiamAdmin password, and [uapmadmin Password] is the uapmadmin password.

  7. The command prompt will return when the command is complete.

The APM login using the uapmadmin credentials should now login without error.