How do I hide CA Service Desk Manager (CA SDM) priority values that my organization does not use?
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How do I hide CA Service Desk Manager (CA SDM) priority values that my organization does not use?


Article ID: 40643


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SUPPORT AUTOMATION- SERVER CA Service Desk Manager - Unified Self Service CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


How do I hide CA Service Desk Manager (CA SDM) priority values that my organization does not use?


Service Desk Manager: All Supported versions.


In order to hide the unused priority values it is necessary to modify the corresponding HTML form for the ticket type you would like to hide priority values on.

For example, Incident Form = detail_in.htmpl, Problem Form = detail_pr.htmpl, Request Form = detail_cr.htmpl

The urgency values will need to be referenced by their “id” values as per the extract below:

id            del          enum    sym              nx_desc              

500         0              1              5              LOW Priority      

501         0              2              4              MEDIUM-LOW Priority 

502         0              3              3              MEDIUM Priority             

503         0              4              2              MEDIUM-HIGH Priority

504         0              5              1              HIGH Priority     

505         0              0              None         Priority unassigned


  1. Open the relevant form in Web Screen Painter.
  2. Find the line containing the following in the source tab. 

    hdr="Priority "
  3. Modify this line to append a where clause to the end of the line before the >. The whereclause will denote the Priority values that will be displayed.

i.e. whereclause="id = 501 or id = 502 or id = 504" 

  1. File menu --> Publish
  2. Run pdm_webcache command
  3. Clear web browser cache.

The modified form will now only display the selected priority IDs. The Priority Calculation works with this customization as of today. The Priority Calculation matrix will need to be modified to accommodate the hidden values.

Note: This document is provided as an example of a customization. There may be limitations to the support for this customization.  As with all CA SDM changes, please test the behavior in a non-PROD environment before implementing in a CA SDM production system.