The user logs in with the id and sewhoami returns nothing. sewhoami -a returns "_undefined"
sebuildla -a (building a lookaside table) also does not help the user identification issue.
sesu will also result in "sesu: Cannot determine current user name."
[user@hostname]$ ./sewhoami
[user@hostname]$ ./sesu root
[user@hostname]$ sesu: Cannot determine current user name.
CA PIM 12.9, 12.8.1 and CA PAM SC
Redhat RHEL 6.6
The ways to correct this are:
-ensure auth_login = PAM in the seos.ini is set along with the setting loginappl to use PAM
-user data enumeration not being enabled in the SSSD backend
-They need to install the 32-bit libnss_sss library to allow 32-bit processes to retrieve user and group information, library sssd-client.i686