If an element contains an Endevor Footprint, can the ISPF statistics be updated using LMMSTATS?
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If an element contains an Endevor Footprint, can the ISPF statistics be updated using LMMSTATS?


Article ID: 4049


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


If an element contains an Endevor Footprint, can the ISPF statistics be updated using LMMSTATS?





For non-loadlib PDS or PDS/E members, Endevor Footprints are stored in the same  USERDATA  field of the directory entry as the ISPF statistics.  This means the Endevor Footprints and the ISPF statistics and the use of the ISPF LMMSTATS service to store information in the ISPF statistics area for a member are mutually exclusive.

If ISPF RESET statistics, or LMMSTATS are used when accessing the member outside Endevor, or when LMMSTATS is used within an Endevor processor, the Endevor footprint will be lost.

Once an element is added to Endevor, the Endevor Footprint and its corresponding MCF master record are statistic. The userid, date and time, library it was added from, etc. are all maintained in the MCF master record.

There is no way to maintain ISPF statistics in addition to the Endevor Footprint.

Additionally, any library controlled by Endevor should not be updated outside Endevor.  There is no need for ISPF statistics, since Endevor is maintaining the element's audit trail.


The USERDATA in a PDS or PDSE directory entry can be printed via the IEHLIST Utility function LISTPDS.

With a PDSE, the IDCAMS Utility PRINT function can also be used. The contents of the userdata are encrypted. The userdata in the case of a footprint is preceded with a length byte containing a X'17'. In case it contains ISPF statistics, this byte contains X'0F'.