CA Output Management Web Viewer is failing. In some cases users can not log into the mainframe repository.
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CA Output Management Web Viewer is failing. In some cases users can not log into the mainframe repository.


Article ID: 4048


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Output Management Document Viewer Output Management Web Viewer


Web Viewer outages, not limited to a blank login screen when users try to log into their mainframe repository. There are error 14s in the Windows application Event Viewer. Users are seeing a blank page instead of the mainframe log in page. The omlog shows Web Viewer restarting for no apparent reason


Release: OUTDVW05500-11.5-Output Management-Web Viewer


You likely have parameters set in IIS telling it to recycle which causes Web Viewer to stop working.


Disable the appropriate parameters in the Recycling, Performance and Health tabs of the DefaultAppPool in IIS.

In the IIS settings 

  1. Make the Idle Time-out(minutes) = 0
  2. Recycle settings    (do not recycle at any time or time interval)
  3. Under Process Model and Rapid Fail Protection set FALSE for Enabled.
  4. Recycle iis to pick up the new settings.