A batch program always completes successfully in z/OS but abends in the IDMS CV with abort code ABRU.
DC201006 Vnn T1 CV-Status BE-TaskID Pri FE - ID1 FE - ID2 FE TaskCD FE UserID FE - ID3
DC201006 Vnn T1 ABRT CKUR nnn 100 BATCBULK xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
The program already has a FINISH DML statement coded in it so why does it abend?
Release: All supported releases.
A CKUR abend is issued by the check user subtask running in the IDMS CV when it detects that a batch job has ended without issuing a FINISH.
If a FINISH is already coded in the program then it means that the statement is never executed. If it is an update job, the CKUR abend will cause all updates made by the job to be rolled back and message DC203005 will be issued.
Verify if the FINISH is being executed by running the batch job with DMLTRACE=ON in the SYSIDMS file. It will print all DML commands issued by the program. Examine the output to determine the last DML statement issued.