Archive Manager Best Practices
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Archive Manager Best Practices


Article ID: 40277


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


This is a general best practices guide regarding Archive Manager


Release: All Supported Releases
Component: SPCAEM - Events and Alarms


NOTE: In the following mysql commands where it requires to enter the password for root:

Replace <PASSWD> with "root" for Spectrum versions 21.2.2 and below
Replace <PASSWD> with your mysql root passwod

1.  If ArchMgr is down, it is good to check how many events are locally stored. This can be reviewed in OneClick by selecting the VNM model (Universe folder) in the Topology tab – find Component Detail window – Information tab – open subview “SpectroServer Control” – and find Event Log Information subview. Here you find created/cached/purged event counter values.  If you need to increase the local storage size from the default of 20,000, you need to edit the $SPECROOT/SS/.vnmrc file under max_event_records=20000 to max_event_records=200000.  Additional hard drive space will be required for the larger event storage.

2. The Archive Manager runtime configuration file, .configrc, is located in the $SPECROOT/SS/DDM  directory. MAX_EVENT_DAYS defaults to 45.  We believe 45 days is a good starting point for most customers, however if disk space starts to become a problem, this number can be lowered.  Likewise if there is a requirement to have more then 45 days available, this number can be increased at the cost of additional hard drive space. 

3.   The overall size of the DDMDB can be a problem if it is too large. If the database becomes corrupt, it will need a repair. Repairing the database quickly depends on size, and resources available on the system. The larger the database, the longer the repair time.
From Bash shell  (windows users Go to command Prompt : bash –login)


./ArchMgr.exe -repair

Once it is successful you can start the Archive Manager .

4. If this is unsuccessful another repair method is via mysqlcheck 
From Bash shell  (windows users Go to command Prompt : bash –login)

cd $SPECROOT/mysql/bin

./mysqlcheck –uroot –p<PASSWD> --repair --force ddmdb;

(Linux and Solaris users will need to run as ./mysqlcheck --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf –uroot –p<PASSWD> --repair --force ddmdb; )

NOTE :  You should have free disk space of more than twice the size of the largest file in the ddmdb database before running mysqlcheck

5.  It is also suggested to run the DDMDB Optimize script monthly. There are two scripts located in the $SPECROOT/SS/DDM/scripts directory. Simply execute these via the command line. is  located  in the $SPECROOT/SS/DDM/scripts directory, this script removes all unreferenced statistical records  from the DDM database. Unreferenced records are typically created when models are deleted. Over time, their associated records are purged, leaving some unnecessary remnants in the database.

This  script is not needed to be scheduled on a weekly or monthly and should be run on limited occasions when an extremely large amount of models have been deleted from a landscape.  The performance gains by running this script against having Archive Manager down are not noticeable and only should be run for general housekeeping if large amounts of models have been destroyed (such as an entire landscape).

Important! The script can only be run with the Archive Manager down.

The script has the following format:./ : This script is located in the $SPECROOT/SS/DDM/scripts directory. It provides an easy way to optimize all of the tables in the DDM database. Optimizing tables has two major benefits:?The speed of queries that are sent to the DDM database is increased. Disk space that is available from purged records is recovered.

The script has the following format:  ./

NOTE : You should have free disk space of more than twice the size of the largest file in the ddmdb database before running