How to fully uninstall the Administrative UI on Windows
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How to fully uninstall the Administrative UI on Windows


Article ID: 40260


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CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On SOA Security Manager (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign-On



We need to uninstall and reinstall the AdminUI in order to resolve an installation problem. However, following the uninstallation process on the documentation has left residual files that are interfering with the reinstallation process. We need to perform a clean uninstall process.



AdminUI: 12.8.x


In order to fully uninstall the AdminUI, you will need to remove the “Zero G Registry” folder. This folder contains a file named “.com.zerog.registry”. This file is used to record information on the status of the installation process in case if it has been interrupted, and may interfere when reinstalling the AdminUI. It may be removed without any consequences.

  1. Stop the application server hosting the AdminUI process
  2. Launch the Windows Control Panel and go to the list of programs.
  3. Right-click CA SiteMinder Administrative UI.
  4. Click Uninstall/Change.
  5. Follow the instructions of the wizard.
  6. Launch the Windows Control Panel and go to the list of programs.
  7. Right-Click Administrative UI Prerequisite Installer.
  8. Click Uninstall/Change.
  9. Follow the instructions of the wizard.
  10. Remove the “Zero G Registry” folder.
  • The Zero G Registry folder should appear as a hidden folder in the same folder as the “CA” folder of the AdminUI install location, by default: "C:\Program Files".
  1. Restart the system.

Additional Information

Additional Information:

Base uninstallation instructions for 12.52: