In CA Workload Automation CA 7 Edition, why was a job dependency not satisfied for a dependency that ended within the specified lead time?
A job that is a dependency of another job must START and END successfully during the specified non-zero lead time as defined on the DB.3.2 CA-7 CPU JOB PREDECESSORS panel. For example, JOB A starts at 10:00 PM on Thursday but abends. The problem is corrected the next day and the job is restarted at 08:00 AM Friday and completes successfully at 09:00 AM. At 11:00 AM JOB B comes into the CA-7 request queue, with a dependency of JOB A, with a lead time of 12 hours and is not satisfied. JOB A however completed within this 12 hour lead time or "look-back". Although JOB A completed at 09:00 AM, well within the 12 hour lead time, its original start time of 10:00 PM is not within this 12 hour lead time so the dependency is not satisfied and must be manually posted.
This condition can be easily identified by reviewing the SIRD-11 Requirements message for JOB B written to the CA-7 browse or history log. The first date/time is the time the dependent job is "looking-back" for its dependency to be initially satisfied. The second time in the message below identifies the time the dependency job ran and is causing the dependency to remain unsatisfied, which in this case is the original job start time.
_______ INTERNAL JOB=JOBA DATE/TIME=yyjjj/23:00:15 yyjjj/22:00:00
Note that when JOB A was restarted or resubmitted, the START time remains the ORIGINAL start date/time. This situation can be prevented by using LEAD TIME of 0 wherever possible, as long as the dependency and the dependent job execute on the same frequency. Lead time 0 in this scenario would mean that JOB A only must have started and completed since JOB B last ran, so hours are not considered. Also note that with the non-zero lead time, this missed look-back could be prevented if JOB A, after a lengthy delay, is not restarted or resubmitted, but cancelled and re-DEMANDed with the original SCHID, with TYPE=RES (for restart) if appropriate.
Additional Information:
Job Requirement Information in the SIRD-11 Message
As always, please contact CA Technologies support for CA 7 if you have further questions.