An online CA IDMS COBOL program abends with message
DC027005 Vnn Tnnn TASK:xxxxxxxx PROG:xxxxxxxx ABENDED WITH CODE UFF3 AND REASON CODE 0007
Other reason codes may also appear.
The MULTIPLE ENCLAVE feature is a performance enhancement for the support of LE/370 COBOL programs running under CA-IDMS/DC. It enables multiple programs running under the same CA-IDMS/DC task to share the same LE enclave, thus reducing CPU consumption and storage usage.
As described in the above appendix, only some programs are eligible for the MULTIPLE ENCLAVE feature. Therefore, when defining a DC-COBOL program to the CA-IDMS System Generation compiler, you must specify whether the program is to run with MULTIPLE ENCLAVE ON or OFF.
If you define a program that is not eligible for the MULTIPLE ENCLAVE feature as ON, then at runtime the task will abend with a UFF3 with reason code 0007. Unfortunately, neither the abend message nor the place at which the task abends will necessarily indicate which program has caused the problem.
By looking at a dump from the UFF3 abend, you can determine which program needs to be defined as MULTIPLE ENCLAVE OFF.
In the TCE there is a field at offset x'24C', TCELE370. It points to a chain of LE37DS control blocks. Each LE37DS represents an enclave for a particular program. At offset x'A4', you can find the name of the program for that enclave. Investigate that program for the attributes that may make it ineligible for MULTIPLE ENCLAVE.
The fullword at offset 0 in the LE37DS points to the next LE37DS. At the end of the chain it will be 0.
The information in this document is relevant to functionality that was first added in 15.0 on the Sp3 tape
See the CA IDMS DML Reference for Cobol for more general information on the support of LE/370 cobol under CA-IDMS/DC. That informatin can be found here: