AEI0 abend in xxxxINTC in CICS after IDMS upgrade
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AEI0 abend in xxxxINTC in CICS after IDMS upgrade


Article ID: 4023


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IDMS IDMS - Database


After upgrading to a new release of CA-IDMS, IDMSINTC in CICS abends with code AEI0 during CICS startup and message:

DFHSI1580D PLT program IDMSINTC has abended, code AEI0.



Release: All supported releases
Component: IDMS


The AEI0 abend code can be caused by missing CSD entries in CICS or by a missing module in the DFHRPL concatenation. Check the following:

  • Ensure all CSD entries are defined, see CAGJSRC member CICSCSD for programs and transaction that need to be defined to CICS.

  • Ensure that both the CUSTOM.LOADLIB and CAGJLOAD libraries are defined to the CICS DFHRPL concatenation.