is possible to COPY the ACCT field with COPYCAT FILECOPY ?
The COPYCAT user exit, CTSCPYUX, to copy the ACCT data to the output volume will need to be coded.
The Copycat Utility user exit is supplied as a dummy source and load module. It may be customized after the SMP/E installation of the product is complete. To code your own exit, use member CTSJUXRC of library *.CTAPJCL. The source code for the exit, which is modified by the USERMOD, resides in *.CTAPSAMP as member CTSCPYUX
To install the user exit using SMP/E
1. Copy CTAPJCL member CTSJUXRC to your own Sample JCL library and insert the appropriate source code and updates.
2. Customize and submit Sample JCL library member CTSJUXRC to perform an SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY of the USERMOD.
User exit CTSCPYUX is re-assembled and linked into load library *.CTAPLINK.
Important! The USERMOD should only be RECEIVED and APPLIED, never ACCEPTED.
3. Copy CTAPJCL member CTSJUXRS to your Sample JCL library, and then customize and submit it, if corrections or modifications to the user exit are required.
An SMP/E RESTORE of the USERMOD is performed and the supplied dummy version of the user exit is relinked.
4. Go back to step 1 to modify and re-install the USERMOD.