Workload Automation DE Server fails to trigger workload and jobs are waiting.
When the number of jobs and applications increases, the server requires more database connections for processing workload. If you are experiencing degraded performance, it could be due to available database connections.
Check for ‘Out of DB connections’ warning messages in the server tracelog.txt to verify if your server is experiencing this problem. The number of active database connections is maintained by the server property '' and defaults to 50 connections in R11.3 and 100 connections in R12 release.
An example of tracelog entry:
20160325 22:00:00.000 [relationaldatabase] [WARN] DM.Appl.<Application Name>.<Generation>: Out of DB connections, waiting: 0
Use the setdbparm utility in <DE Server install directory>/bin directory to increase the database maximum connections pool size for the server.
Note: The database should allow for this many connections as well. Validate with your DBA for the number of simultaneous connections allowed is greater than
For example: Setting the Maximum Database Connections to 400.
cd <DE Server install directory>/bin
On Windows:
Changing max connections in pool (
Enter new max connections in pool: 400
Verify new max connections in pool: 400
Changing max connections in pool (
Enter new max connections in pool: 400
Verify new max connections in pool: 400
On a busy server, the recommendation is set this value to 400.