Error starting the Archive Manager from the Spectrum Control Panel on Windows
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Error starting the Archive Manager from the Spectrum Control Panel on Windows


Article ID: 40196


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


The following error is seen starting the Archive Manager from the Spectrum Control Panel on Windows;


Spectrum installed on Windows


The Archive Manager is a client of the SpectroSERVER. When started, the user used to make a client connection to the SpectroSERVER is the OS user that was used to start the Archive Manager process. When using the Spectrum Control Panel, the user used to start the Archive Manager is the OS user that started the Spectrum Control Panel. 

The error indicates the OS user used to start the Spectrum Control Panel is not a valid user configured in the Spectrum database.


Verify the user used to log into the OS is a valid user in the Spectrum database. 

Additional Information

NOTE: Spectrum users are case sensitive. Unlike the Windows OS user, user "Spectrum" is not the same as user "spectrum" in the Spectrum environment.