Current Ports Detail report on Nexus 5000 and Nexus 7000 devices do not show physical ports
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Current Ports Detail report on Nexus 5000 and Nexus 7000 devices do not show physical ports


Article ID: 4015


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


The current port detail report do not show physical ports for the NEXUS 5000 and NEXUS 7000 devices. Because of this it is not possible to do port capacity planning


Release: SDBSFO99000-10.2-Spectrum-Device Based Suite-Server FOC


The current port detail report do not show physical ports for the NEXUS 5000 and NEXUS 7000 devices. Because of this it is not possible to do port capacity planning

This is functioning as designed.

There is a problem in the CISCO NEXUS MIB. In the MIB definition some of the interfaces are defined as virtual ports (by having ifConnectorPresent value as 2).

If the IfConnectorPresent attribute of an interface is 2 then it is considered a virtual interface

Reference: - below is the defintion of ifConnectorPresent

  leaf ifConnectorPresent {
        smi:oid "";
        type smiv2:TruthValue;
        config false;
          "This object has the value 'true(1)' if the interface
            sublayer has a physical connector and the value 'false(2)'


Spectrum Report Manager will not display details of virtual ports, so all missing ports are virtual ports only.

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