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Article ID: 40149


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The following message appears when we access members in PDSE libraries: 




PDSMAN Last Reference Date Recording has been enabled for the indicated member but the recording was not completed successfully because the library could not be opened.

When the last reference date is recorded for a data (non-program object) PDSE library, the z/OS operating system requires the accessing user to have update authority for the library.  If this authority is not present, the last reference date cannot be recorded. 

Last Reference Date Recording has been enhanced with the implementation of published solutions RO73404 and RO77451 that address the operational issues caused by this  z/OS requirement by allowing last reference dates for PDSE members to be recorded by the PDSMAN address space instead of by the accessing user. With these fixes, only the PDSMAN address space needs have update authority to the PDSE libraries.  

Complete text for both enhancements is included in the published solution text and is included below for your convenience.                                    



Review the enhancement details documented in the published solutions.


Additional Information:

RO73404 is also available as part of CARS1411.


RO77451 is also available as part of CARS1502.





 The PDSMAN Last Reference Date Recording facility allows users
 to identify inactive PDS and PDSE library members by recording
 the date on which a member was last referenced.
 When the last reference date is recorded for a data (non-
 program object) PDSE library, the z/OS operating system
 requires the accessing user to have update authority for the
 library. This can cause operational issues and in some cases
 require a choice between granting all users to update authority
 or not using PDSMAN Last Reference Date Recording for those
 PDSE libraries.
 Note: Throughout this description, the term PDSE refers to
 "data" PDSE libraries that do not contain executable
 modules. PDSMAN records last reference dates for
 executable PDSE modules (known as program objects)
 using a different method.
 This fix addresses the operational issues caused by this
 z/OS requirement by allowing last reference dates for PDSE
 members to be recorded by the PDSMAN address space instead of
 by the accessing user. With this fix, only the PDSMAN address
 space needs have update authority to the PDSE libraries.
 This fix also introduces the ability to issue a message when
 the last reference date for a PDS or PDSE member is
 successfully recorded.
 Processing Description
 A Last Reference Date Recording request is queued to the PDSMAN
 address space when all of the following are true:
 * Last Reference Date Recording is enabled for the member
 * Last Reference Date Recording needs to be performed (the
 first access for a member each day)
 * The member resides in a PDSE library
 * The accessing user does not have authority to update the
 A new PDSMAN subtask, the Last Reference Date Recording subtask
 (PDSMLRDR), wakes up at regular intervals to process the queued
 requests. The PDSMLRDR subtask runs within the PDSMAN address
 space and is normally started automatically when PDSMAN is
 started. Note that there may be a slight delay (generally less
 than 15 seconds) in actually recording the last reference date
 because the process is being performed asynchronously.
 PDSMAN performs the enhanced recording process automatically.
 You do not need to make any changes to your PDSMAN environment
 or rules. However, you must ensure that the PDSMAN address
 space has authority to update the PDSE libraries into which it
 is recording the last reference dates. See the section
 "Security System Considerations" for additional information.
 If you have previously chosen to disable (or not enable) Last
 Reference Date Recording for PDSE libraries due to these
 authorization considerations you should now reevaluate that
 decision and enable recording as desired.
 Security System Considerations
 The PDSMAN address space must have update authority to all PDSE
 libraries for which last reference date recording is being
 performed. You can grant this authority to the PDSMAN address
 space or you can further limit update authority to only the
 PDSMLRDT program (when running in the PDSMAN address space)
 that is used to record the last reference dates.
 The operating system requires you to completely stop and
 restart PDSMAN to activate the new security rules granting the
 necessary access. To minimize the number of times you must stop
 and restart PDSMAN, we suggest that you grant update authority
 to all libraries at one time instead of making multiple changes
 to the security rules.
 Controlling the Last Reference Date Recording (PDSMLRDR) Subtask
 The PDSMLRDR subtask is controlled using commands issued to the
 PDSMAN address space. You issue these commands by entering:
 F PDSMAN,<command>
 To an operator console where PDSMAN is the name of the PDSMAN
 address space started task and <command> is one of the
 * STARTLRDR Start an inactive PDSMLRDR subtask
 * STOPLRDR Stop an active PDSMLRDR subtask
 * NEWLRDR Stop (if necessary) and then restart the
 PDSMLRDR subtask
 * LRDRSTATUS Show the status of the PDSMLRDR subtask
 * LRDRDETAIL Show detailed information about the PDSMLRDR
 * LRDRPERF Show performance information for the PDSMLRDR
 Refer to the chapter "Address Space Commands" in the PDSMAN
 Administrator Guide for a description of how similar commands
 are used with other PDSMAN subtasks.
 By default, the PDSMLRDR subtask is automatically started when
 PDSMAN is initialized. You can suppress the automatic startup
 of the subtask by starting PDSMAN with a execution parameter of
 NOLRDR. For example:
 This parameter is not intended for normal use. Generally, you
 should allow the subtask to start automatically with the rest
 Note: PDSMLRDR is not automatically started if you are not
 licensed for PDSMAN feature "D" (LMP code F3).
 Queuing Considerations
 Once the PDSMLRDR subtask is activated, Last Reference Date
 Recording requests will continue to be queued even if the
 subtask subsequently becomes inactive. The request queues have
 a maximum size of 40,000 entries and PDSMAN issues PDSMLRDR-03
 messages when request queue usage reaches 50, 80, 90, 95 and
 100 percent. If the PDSMLRDR-03 message is issued with a status
 other than "Notify", check the status of the PDSMLRDR subtask
 by issuing the LRDRSTATUS command and start the subtask using
 STARTLRDR if it is not active.
 Recording Considerations
 The PDSMLRDR subtask must be able to allocate the library into
 which a last reference date is to be recorded. This allocation
 is performed using DISP=SHR. If the library is allocated to
 another task using DISP=OLD, the recording is not performed.
 PDSMLRDR issues PDSMLRDR-05 and PDSMLRDR-06 messages indicating
 the library could not be allocated.
 Issuing Messages for Successful Updates
 This fix adds the ability to have PDSMAN issue a PDSMLRDR-02
 message when the last reference date is successfully recorded
 for members of PDS or PDSE libraries. You control the PDSMLRDR-
 02 message by specifying the new LRDRMSG parameter on a
 matching $ACCESS control statement.
 The following settings are valid for the LRDRMSG parameter:
 LRDRMSG=N Do not issue the message (default).
 LRDRMSG=W Issue the message to the operator console using
 LRDRMSG=L Issue the message to the system log.
 The messages are displayed by the accessing user task or by the
 PDSMAN address space, depending on which performs the last
 reference date recording.
 Important Note: The PDSMLRDR-02 message is issued once per day
 for each member that is accessed and has its last reference
 date recorded. Be cautious when setting LRDRMSG=W that you do
 not overload your console with messages due to high access
 Messages issued by PDSMLRDR Last Reference Date Recording
 The following new messages can be produced during Last
 Reference Date Recording:
 PDSMLRDR-01 PDSMAN Last Reference Date Recording <status>
 This message reports the status of the PDSMAN Last Reference
 Date Recording environment.
 <status> The Last Reference Date Recording environment:
 * Active
 * Not Active
 * Already Active
 * Ended
 PDSMLRDR-02 Last Reference Date set to <date> for <resource>
 This message reports successful recording of a PDSMAN last
 reference date.
 <date> The last reference date that was recorded.
 <resource> The name of the resource in the format
 The output destination for this message is controlled by the
 setting of the $ACCESS LRDRMSG parameter.
 PDSMLRDR-03 LRDR Queue <status> - <queuename> is <percent> full
 - <action>
 This message reports the usage status of a PDSMAN Last
 Reference Date Recording request queue.
 <status> The status of the request queue:
 * Exhausted
 * Critical
 * Warning
 * Notify
 <queuename> The name of the request queue.
 <percent> The percentage of the maximum number of queue
 entries currently in use.
 <action> The suggested action to be taken:
 * Start the PDSMLRDR Subtask
 * Check the PDSMLRDR Subtask Response
 Note: No notification is provided when the queue usage returns
 below the threshold value.
 PDSMLRDR-04 Last Reference Date Recording <function> <status> -
 This message reports status information related to the PDSMAN
 Last Reference Date Recording environment.
 <function> = The Last Reference Date Recording service
 function being processed.
 <status> = The status being reported.
 <reason> = The reason for the reported status:
 * Queue func RC=nn RSN=xxxx Data=xxxxxxxx
 * Invalid LRDR Request - <information>
 * <count> Requests Purged - <name> Queue
 PDSMLRDR-05 Last Reference Date Recording <result> for
 This message indicates that a last reference date recording
 operation has completed with a result other than successful.
 <result> The result of the Last Reference Date Recording
 Error Recording failed for the resource
 Failed Recording failed for the resource
 Warning Recording completed but an abnormal
 condition was detected
 Bypassed Recording was bypassed because the
 library was migrated or due to a
 previous error when recording to
 the library.
 <resource> The name of the resource in the format:
 For all results except "Bypassed", this message is followed by
 a PDSMLRDR-06 message that provides the reason for the result.
 PDSMLRDR-06 <reason> (- <data>)
 This message is issued following a PDSMLRDR-05 message to
 provide the reason for the error or warning and additional
 information about the result, if available.
 <reason> The reason for the error or warning:
 * Data Set Not Found
 * Unable to Obtain DCB Information
 * Data Set is Not Partitioned
 * Library is Migrated
 * Update Authorization Required for UserId <userid>
 * Unable to Allocate Library
 * Unable to Open Library for <mode>
 * Unable to Deallocate Library
 * PDSMAN Database Recording is Not Supported
 * BLDL I/O or Storage Error
 * Member Not Found in Library
 * Unrecognizable User Data is Present
 * Unable to Update Directory
 * The Member Has Moved since Last Access
 * Unable to Queue LRDR Request
 * Unable to Retrieve LRDR Request
 <data> Specific information about the condition when
 such data is available.
 There are no symptoms associated with this fix.
 This change modifies PDSMAN Last Reference Date Recording
 to add the new support. Users may notice new PDSMLRDR-xx
 messages issued with recording or other differences as
 described in the section "Description".
 There is no circumvention.
 CA PDSMAN PDS Library Management r7.7






 The PDSMAN Last Reference Date Recording facility allows users
 to identify inactive PDS and PDSE library members by recording
 the date on which a member was last referenced.
 This fix continues the enhancement of LRDR for PDSE libraries
 originally introduced by RO73404 by providing a new LRDR
 setting, REF=E, on the $ACCESS control statement.
 Note: Throughout this description, the term PDSE refers to
 "data" PDSE libraries that do not contain executable
 modules. PDSMAN records last reference dates for
 executable PDSE modules (known as program objects)
 using a different method.
 Current processing (REF=Y) queues LRDR requests for PDSE members
 to the PDSMAN address space only when the accessing user does
 not have authority to update the library. The new REF=E option
 instructs PDSMAN to queue all PDSE member LRDR requests. To use
 this new option, specify REF=E on the matching $ACCESS control
 One benefit of using REF=E is that the PDSE library updates
 associated with LRDR are logged by your security system as
 being performed by PDSMAN. This reduces question about why
 users who are simply accessing PDSE members may be logged
 as having updated the PDSE library due to LRDR.
 There are no symptoms associated with this fix.
 This change modifies PDSMAN Last Reference Date Recording
 to add the new support. With REF=E, users may notice that
 PSDMLRDR-02 messages previously issued by the updating user
 are now issued by the PDSMAN address space.
 There is no circumvention.
 CA PDSMAN PDS Library Management r7.7


Release: PDSMA100200-7.7-PDSMAN-PDS Library Management-ONE COMPONENT